My dad is a romantic. Always has been. These days, his romanticizing usually occurs out in the front lawn.
My dad had been coming home late from work - much later than usual. My mom was convinced he was out with another woman. She had suspicions as to who it could be.
For the entire time I lived at home with my parents, one of the Things My Dad Would Do ™ was find homeless or lost dogs in the streets, coerce them into his green Astro van, then bring them home.
My dad has discovered how to post Instagram Reels. As a result, I’m terrified to login to Instagram now.
Happy Halloween, my friends. For those of you who have been reading Absurd Anecdotes for a while, you know my dad should have probably been arrested years ago for the intensity and borderline criminal nature of his pranks. One of his most cardiac tickling pranks was committed in the late evening of Halloween night in 2002.
I vividly recall my first conference presentation. It was miserable.
It doesn’t matter what you look like, where you’re from, or how terrible of a human being you’ve become; my dad will find something to compliment.