Personal Barriers Will Make You Stronger

When you listen to a successful business person or entrepreneur recount their journey to success, chances are they won’t mention a rich uncle who carried them to the finish line. Instead, you’ll hear how they’ve been beaten to a pulp, their pride tested and confidence tossed in the dirt.

They’ll tell you how they continuously failed to overcome their massive barriers, but rose from the rubble each time they fell.

When your path to success is lined with flowers and road signs pointing you in the right direction, you don’t develop the fight needed to achieve greatness. When your path is riddled with ditches and barbed wire fences, you’re going to come out the other end stronger, more grateful and ready to take the world by its horns.

In any battle, a subdued effort from a self-deprecating and risk-averse soldier only spells failure (and not the good kind). The achievers find success because they trained themselves to conquer hesitation and welcome risk. There’s only so much you can achieve in your comfort zone. Seek those barriers, and conquer them.